How to use ETo

This section will describe how to use the ETo package. The ETo class and functions depend heavily on the Pandas package. Nearly all outputs are either as Pandas Series or DataFrames.


The package and general usage is via the main ETo class. It can be initialised without any initial input parameters.

from eto import ETo, datasets
import pandas as pd

et1 = ETo()

Parameter estimation

The input data can be read into the class at initiatisation or via the param_est function.

We first need to get an example dataset and read it in via pd.read_csv.

In [1]: ex1_path = datasets.get_path('example1')

In [2]: tsdata = pd.read_csv(ex1_path, parse_dates=True, infer_datetime_format=True, index_col='date')

In [3]: tsdata.head()
             R_s      T_max  T_min   e_a
2000-01-01  13.4  17.700001   13.7  1.60
2000-01-02  14.7  19.600000   13.0  1.68
2000-01-03  12.2  21.700001    9.2  1.09
2000-01-04   4.2  14.400000    8.4  1.04
2000-01-05  14.1  11.700000    8.9  1.12

Now we can run the parameter estimation using the newly loaded in dataset using the default parameters.

In [4]: et1.param_est(tsdata)

In [5]: et1.ts_param.head()
             R_s      T_max  T_min   e_a        R_n    G  T_mean  T_dew  \
2000-01-01  13.4  17.700001   13.7  1.60   9.285734  0.0   15.70    NaN   
2000-01-02  14.7  19.600000   13.0  1.68  10.017707  0.0   16.30    NaN   
2000-01-03  12.2  21.700001    9.2  1.09   8.475450  0.0   15.45    NaN   
2000-01-04   4.2  14.400000    8.4  1.04   4.385135  0.0   11.40    NaN   
2000-01-05  14.1  11.700000    8.9  1.12   9.540114  0.0   10.30    NaN   

            RH_min  RH_max ...   n_sun  U_z          P     gamma     e_max  \
date                       ...                                               
2000-01-01     NaN     NaN ...     NaN  NaN  95.527647  0.063526  2.025376   
2000-01-02     NaN     NaN ...     NaN  NaN  95.527647  0.063526  2.281006   
2000-01-03     NaN     NaN ...     NaN  NaN  95.527647  0.063526  2.595970   
2000-01-04     NaN     NaN ...     NaN  NaN  95.527647  0.063526  1.640576   
2000-01-05     NaN     NaN ...     NaN  NaN  95.527647  0.063526  1.375058   

               e_min       e_s     delta        R_a  U_2  
2000-01-01  1.567747  1.796562  0.114199  44.443793  2.0  
2000-01-02  1.497771  1.889388  0.118099  44.386929  2.0  
2000-01-03  1.163665  1.879817  0.112606  44.325018  2.0  
2000-01-04  1.102347  1.371462  0.089314  44.258075  2.0  
2000-01-05  1.140328  1.257693  0.083748  44.186116  2.0  

[5 rows x 21 columns]

Calculate ETo

Now it’s just a matter of running the specific ETo function. For example, the FAO ETo.

In [6]: eto1 = et1.eto_fao()

In [7]: eto1.head()
2000-01-01    2.31
2000-01-02    2.52
2000-01-03    3.20
2000-01-04    1.49
2000-01-05    2.00
Name: ETo_FAO_mm, dtype: float64